As relações do Império do Brasil com a Santa Sé na obra do artista português Bordalo Pinheiro


  • Angela Maria da Motta Telles Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)


Bordalo Pinheiro, Caricanires, Second Kingdom, Vatican, History, Brazil


ln this article we analyze the first works produced by the Portuguese artist, Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro, in the newspaper O Mosquito, published in Rio de Janeiro about the religious problem, which was discussed by the press, in the middle of the 1870, concerning international relations between the Brazilian Empire and the Vatican.
The interest for this Portuguese artist appeared in the context of a larger research, which proposes to identify and discuss the production of charges, caricatures and allegories concerning diplomacy, the international relations of the Second Kingdom, and the decade of the Republic, that came out in the illustrated newspaper published in Rio de Janeiro, a project of a working thesis in the Post-graduation program in Social History of the Federal University, generated from the research promoted by the Center of Díplomatic History and documentation, the Alexandre de Gusmão Foundation, located at the Itamaraty Palace, in Rio de Janeiro. Great part of this material mainly related to the magazines of the second half of the XIX century, was done in the Real Gabinete Português de Leitura, a cultural institution which has an important collection of illustrated newspapers of this period, produced at the Imperial capital of the time. The iconographic material raised was fundamental for the Brazilian' s images construction and it is related to political questions and projects which permeated the social relationship of that period.


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Author Biography

Angela Maria da Motta Telles, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Angela Motta Telles é Professora de História das Relações Internacionais do Brasil da Universidade
Estácio de Sá e doutoranda em História Social pelo IFCS-UFRJ e pesquisadora do CHDD-FUNAG.



How to Cite

Maria da Motta Telles, A. (2005). As relações do Império do Brasil com a Santa Sé na obra do artista português Bordalo Pinheiro. Converência Lusíada, 19(21), 45–61. Retrieved from