Writing with Adilia/Barthes about what we like





Contemporary Portuguese poetry, Adília Lopes, Barthes, Biografemas, Memória


Reading of Adília Lopes’ poetry from Barthes’s biographematic perspective. Reflection on how the poems in Adília’s latest book-albums, especially from Manhã (2015) until the most recent Pardais (2022) and Choupos (2023), are permeated by memory remnants of readings and experiences of the poet-reader-character who writes motivated by the pleasure/love of remembering others through themselves. Intertextual relationship between the pleasure [jouissance] of Barthes’ theoretical-fictional writing [écriture]. This relation is expressed in the recurrent use of the verb “like” as a trace of the encounter of corporeal remains with the reader. There are the descriptive-poetic-sensory constructions of the persona Adília. In addition to the insertion of other characters, the poet reinscribes them into the prose poems through image games, of words and fragments of biographical-poetic-fictional memory.


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Author Biography

Paulo Alberto da Silva Sales, Instituto Federal Goiano (IF Goiano)

É docente do Instituto Federal Goiano e do PPG em Língua, Literatura e Interculturalidade, Campus Cora Coralina, da Universidade Estadual de Goiás. É membro do Grupo de Trabalho Teoria do Texto Poético (ANPOLL) e do Grupo de Pesquisa Poesia e Contemporaneidade (UFF/CNPq).


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How to Cite

Alberto da Silva Sales, P. (2025). Writing with Adilia/Barthes about what we like. Converência Lusíada, 36(53), 242–260. https://doi.org/10.37508/rcl.2025.n53a1314