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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • • Manuscripts must be original and unpublished and not submitted to another journal; if this is not the case, justification for its submission must be included in the “comments to the editor” field.
  • Manuscripts must be submitted in one of the following formats: Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, or RTF.
  • URLs for references must be provided whenever possible.
  • The body of the text must be written using Times New Roman, 12-point type, with 1.5 spacing, and use italics for emphasis (not underlining); figures and tables must be inserted at the relevant point in the manuscript, not at the end or in a separate document.
  • The manuscript must observe the formatting and bibliographic standards described in Author Guidelines on the journal website.
  • When a submission is to be peer-reviewed (e.g., articles), authors must follow the instructions set forth in blinded peer review process.

Author Guidelines

1. Convergência Lusíada accepts previously unpublished articles and reviews on Portuguese literature, Portuguese, Brazilian, and African literary relations, and comparative studies among Portuguese literature and other literatures, potentially with an interdisciplinary perspective.

2. We also accept interviews with leading cultural figures from Portugal, Brazil, and Portuguese-speaking African countries.

3. Length of submissions:

a) Essays and articles – 21,000 to 28,000 characters (15 to 20 pages), including references.

b)  Reviews of books published up to two years before the date of publication of the issue of Convergência Lusíada in question or reviews of theses of significance (also defended up to two years before the issue date) – 4,200 to 7,000 characters (three to five pages).

c)  Interviews – 4,200 to 7,000 characters (three to five pages).

4. All manuscripts will be appraised by the editorial board / advisory board, which may accept them in full, reject them, or suggest modifications to their structure and/or content.

5. Authors may submit no more than one article or review per issue of the journal; an author whose work has been published in the journal is not eligible for publication in the three issues following the issue in which their work appears.

6. Authors must have a master’s or doctoral degree. Authors with a bachelor’s degree or studying for a bachelor's or master's degree may only submit articles co-authored with a scholar with a doctorate who is acting as their supervisor.

7. Manuscripts may be written in Portuguese, English, French, Spanish, or Italian.

8. The file submitted to the journal (.doc/.docx/.rtf) must be free of any data that identify the authors (e.g., in the references and/or footnotes). Manuscripts will be associated to the metadata provided upon submission and recognized by the system. It is therefore essential that due care be taken when completing the information on the manuscript and the authors in the submission process.

• All manuscripts are screened upon receipt using a plagiarism detection tool.

9. Manuscripts must be thoroughly reviewed by the authors before submission. The editorial committee reserves the right to return manuscripts to authors with an indication of what they should alter. When a manuscript is approved for publication, the author must include a mini-bio and their ORCID number to the final version of the file. The authors are fully responsible for the final version of the manuscript.

10. Manuscripts must be submitted online as required in each call for submissions.

11. FORMATTING: Submissions to Convergência Lusíada must observe the following formatting requirements:

body of the text:

  • A4 page size;
  • 12-point Times New Roman;
  • 1.5 line spacing;
  • paragraphs must be left- and right-justified, with the first line indented 1.25 cm from the left margin;
  • top and left margins: 3 cm; bottom and right margins: 2 cm;
  • file format: *.doc, *.docx or *.rtf.


  • the original title should be capitalized and positioned at the beginning of the text in 14-point Times New Roman, centralized, with 1.5 spacing;
  • the title in English should be capitalized and positioned one line beneath the original title in 12-point Times New Roman, in italics, centralized, with 1.5 spacing. If the text was written in English, the Portuguese title should appear in this format;
  • if the original language is neither English nor Portuguese, titles in these two languages must be provided, nonetheless. In this case, the title in Portuguese should appear directly beneath the original title, followed by the title in English, both using the formatting described in the second bullet point.

Abstracts and keywords:

  • abstracts and keywords must be included in Portuguese and English; if the manuscript is written in a different language, an abstract and keywords must also be provided in this language;
  • the word abstract in the original language should appear two (1.5-spaced) lines below the headings, justified left, capitalized in bold in font size 12, followed by a colon;
  • the abstract in the original language should begin immediately beneath the heading “ABSTRACT”, be written in a single paragraph using 12-point Times New Roman with single spacing and with no indentation of the first line, justified left and right, and not exceed 250 words;
  • between three and five keywords must be included one line below the abstract, preceded by the word “Keywords” followed by a colon, using 12-point Times New Roman, separating each keyword with a period and ending the list with a period;
  • below the abstract and keyword in the original language, include the abstract and keywords in English, using the same formatting. If the article was written in English, the abstract and keywords in English should appear first, followed the abstract and keywords in Portuguese;
  • if the original language is neither English nor Portuguese, an abstract and keywords in these two languages must be provided, nonetheless. In this case, the order in which they should appear is: original language, Portuguese, English.

Structure of the manuscript

a) figures and tables should be preceded by a caption, with the source identified beneath. When the author produced the figure or table, put: “Source: figure/table by author”.
b) footnotes should be used sparingly and contain only explanatory information;
c) use italics for Latin expressions and other foreign words;
d) sections are not numbered; section headings should appear in bold, with the first letter capitalized, with no indentation;
e) in the body of the text, titles of works must be italicized using a capital letter only for the first letter of the first word, except for proper nouns.


Citations should comply with Brazilian standard NBR 10520-2023 (ABNT), as follows:

a) short citations (up to three lines) should be incorporated into the text and enclosed with double quotation marks;

b) long citations (more than three lines) should be placed in a block indented 4 cm from the left margin and quotation marks should not be used;

c) use single-spaced 11-point Times New Roman for long citations and abstracts;

d) manuscripts must not contain any underlining or bold; use only italics for emphasis. When emphasis is added to quoted text, include “emphasis added” after the reference contained in the brackets; for example: (Serrão, 1985, p. 31, emphasis added). When a citation is translated by the author, include “own translation”; for example: (Olin, 2003, p. 21, own translation).

e) references for in-text citations should appear between brackets in the following format: author surname; comma; year of publication: comma; abbreviation of “page” (p.) followed by a space; page number(s); period. Example: (Serrão, 1985, p. 31-35.). Do not use expressions such as idem or ibidem. When citing more than one text by the same author published in the same year, identify each reference with a letter directly after the year (with no space), beginning with the letter “a”. The same letters should be included after the years of the respective works in the list of references at the end of the text.

f) any explanations must be included in footnotes, using single spacing and font size 10;

g) the list of all the bibliographic references should appear at the end of the text in alphabetical order by surname, using single-spaced 11-point Times New Roman. Use the examples given below, based on the Brazilian standard (NBR6023), as guidelines:

• Books:

SURNAME of author, first name of author. Title of book. Place of publication: Name of publisher, year of publication. (When the edition consulted is not the first, include the number of the edition between the title of the book and the place of publication, using the following format: ordinal number of edition; full stop; space; ed. For example: 3rd ed.). Precede subtitles with a colon; do not italicize subtitles.

LOURENÇO, Eduardo. O labirinto da saudade. 2nd. ed. Lisbon: Dom Quixote, 1982.
LOURENÇO, Eduardo. A Europa desencantada: para uma mitologia europeia. 2nd. ed. Lisboa: Gradiva, 2005.

• Articles in journals:

SURNAME of author, first name of author. Title of article, Name of journal, series number, place of publication, v. volume of journal, n. issue of journal, p. page span of article, date.
PESSOA, Fernando. A nova poesia portuguesa sociologicamente considerada, A Águia, 2nd series, Porto, v. 1, n. 4, p. 101-107, April 1912.

In all other cases, please consult the most recent Brazilian standards on referencing.


• All submissions must comply with these standards and must be revised by the author(s).
• All manuscripts approved by the reviewers are returned to the authors for revision and the inclusion of their names and institutional affiliation, and a mini-bio (up to 8 lines) at the end.
• Approval of a manuscript does not imply its immediate publication; the editors reserve the right to decide which issue in which to include each submission.
• Use the following e-mail for all communication with the journal:

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses provided in this journal are used exclusively for the purposes of the journal; they are not used for other purposes or ceded to third parties.