O Atlântico como pátria (Livros e idéias entre Portugal e Brasil)


  • Gizlene Neder
  • Gisálio Cerqueira Filho


Political thought and juridical ideas, Enlightenment and circulation of ideas


This text focuses on juridical ideas, with reference to the issue of power and disciplíne in thc family in the transition to modernity. Ir analyses the range of jurídica] and political ideas permeating the heated debates that have taken place in Portugal and Brazil, when much was made to modernize both the criminal and civil codes (19th century). Ir considered firscly the process in which Enlightenment ideas circularcd in the field ofLaw, and ic focussed on potestas and the ideological conditionings of the discussion over civil marriage, which accompanied the secularisation and modernization process in Portugal and Brazil. This issue seems to have constituted the touchstone for thc conservarive resisrance rhat hampered the reforms. These subjects have assumed enormous importance roday, ar the tum of thc millennium, in view of che face that a new civil code is being drawn up and discussed in Brazil.


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How to Cite

Neder , G., & Cerqueira Filho , G. (2002). O Atlântico como pátria (Livros e idéias entre Portugal e Brasil). Converência Lusíada, 17(19), 146–161. Retrieved from https://convergencialusiada.com.br/rcl/article/view/774



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