O Império em papel e tinta: impressores ibéricos na época da União das Coroas


  • Ana Paula Torres Megiani


União Ibérica, Imprensa Régia, Monarquia Filipina, Impressores, Poder Central-Poder Local


Studies on the lberian Crows' Union (1580-1640) have demonstrated that issues such as administration, bureaucracy and justice, besides politics, have been altered and renewed to adapt to the dynastic merger and the expansion of theAustrian-related Philippine Monarchy. During the sixty years of that period, the necessity of integration and cohesion between the Court of Madrid and che vast Empire determined the creation of cercain "coais" of commandmenc chat would give the "Iberian World" a firsc nocion of organic Monarchy. One instance of such measures was the use of the press, developed to display a new variety of ways in which local and central power could relate. The analysis of printed material on the journeys of Phillip II (1581) and Phillip III (1619) to Lisbon sheds light upon many aspeccs of this new relationship.


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How to Cite

Torres Megiani, A. P. (2002). O Império em papel e tinta: impressores ibéricos na época da União das Coroas . Converência Lusíada, 17(19), 47–58. Retrieved from https://convergencialusiada.com.br/rcl/article/view/766



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