Male gaze and Portuguese literature’s 90s Generation

Keywords: Contemporary Portuguese literature, Male gaze, Gender, Manuel Jorge Marmelo, Jacinto Lucas Pires


This article aims to investigate the presence of male gaze (MULVEY, 1989), that is, the male gaze as the only possibility of active desire, manifested in two Portuguese narratives published in the 1990s: the novella Portugués, guapo y matador (1997), by Manuel Jorge Marmelo; and the novel Azul-turquesa (1998), by Jacinto Lucas Pires. Both narratives bring male protagonists, who monopolize the narrative perspective. From a contextualization of the Portuguese narrative in the post-Carnation Revolution context, we set out for a cultural reading of the text, observing the contamination of a male gaze on narrative unfoldings, descriptions of characters and narrative details.


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Author Biography

Marcelo Branquinho Massucatto Resende, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)

Pesquisador em literaturas trans e queer. Atualmente finalizando doutorado em Estudos Literários pela Unesp-FCLAr, com apoio financeiro da FAPESP.


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How to Cite
Branquinho Massucatto Resende, M. (2022). Male gaze and Portuguese literature’s 90s Generation. Converência Lusíada, 33(48), 170-192.