Call for issue 53 - Rethinking Camilo Castelo Branco


Rethinking Camilo Castelo Branco

Editors: Maria Cristina Pais Simon (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3); Sérgio Nazar David (UERJ)

Submission deadline: until June 30st, 2024
Issue scheduled for: January 2025

Convergência Lusíada magazine’s issue 53 commemorates the bicentenary of Camilo Castelo Branco’s birth by proposing a reevaluation of his work as a novelist, playwright, polemicist, humorist, stylist of the Portuguese language, and attentive observer of the advances and setbacks of liberal society. This call invites researchers to approach the multifaceted work of the author of Amor de perdição, thus recognizing the role that Camilo had and still has as a writer of his time, while remaining attentive to the greatest human impasses of all time. The issue also considers the reception of Camilo’s work in Brazil, as well as comparative studies with other literary traditions.